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Behind the scenes

"While I enjoy ministry behind a mic, I love ministry that comes from pre-natal doula appointments, post-partum doula appointments, mentoring, discipleship, life coaching, conversations in my office, over coffee or over dinner." -Alaine Strozier

Behind the scenes.  So much happens behind the scenes.  Mirriam-Webster defines "behind the scenes" as, "working or happening privately without being known or seen by the public."  Some synonyms for "behind the scenes" is, "confidential,intimate, secret, hush-hush. I have been teaching the Word of God since 2000. I started in Lakenheath, England at the Lighthouse Christian Faith Center under Bishop Elijah Valley.  What I have come to realize is that ministry from the pulpit is a small fraction of the big picture. 

Once a person hears me speak, I typically get letters, emails, texts, Facebook Instant Messenger messages etc. with women wanting "behind the scenes" conversation. They have questions, they have hurt and pain they want to talk about.  They have traumas that they have never uncovered. I have found that the "behind the scenes" ministry to women doesn't even take place at the altar.  Yes, we pray and liberation does happen but after that there is a healing process. The healing process takes place "behind the scenes" within the confines of a confidential, intimate, conversation. Women feel safe in this space because it is a judgement free zone. Questions are asked, we talk about their childhood, who raised them and how. Tears flow, lamenting is loosed, travail transpires. Sometimes they stick around for more, sometimes they leave, sometimes they lash out of you projecting their pain and blaming you for what someone else did to them "behind the scenes". 

Proverbs 20:5 says, "The real motives come from deep within a person—as from deep waters—but a discerning person is able to draw them up and expose them. So you see, while I enjoy ministry behind a mic, I love ministry that comes from pre-natal doula appointments, post-partum doula appointments,  mentoring, discipleship, life coaching, conversations in my office, over coffee or over dinner.  Why?  Because woman are deep wells, they hold a lot and I can't draw the water from behind a microphone because that merely troubles the water until she is ready to allow her water to be drawn up and exposed.  

Shalom Aleichem 

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